AEP Partners and Affiliates

National in scope and far-reaching in their community impact, AEP Partners are a diverse group of organizations representing the breadth of the arts education field.

AEP Affiliates are a diverse group of organizations and individuals that conduct arts education-related work at the local, state, regional, or direct-service level.

AEP Partners


A+ Schools Program at the North Carolina Arts Council

A+ Schools Program at the North Carolina Arts Council

Afterschool Alliance

Alliance for Young Artists and Writers

American Alliance for Theatre and Education

American Alliance of Museums

American Educational Research Association

American String Teachers Association

American Youth Policy Forum

Americans for the Arts

Arts and Science Council of Charlotte-Mecklenburg

Arts-Based Collaborative at UTC

Arts Connect Houston


Arts Education Collaborative

ArtsEd Washington

Arts Every Day

Arts for Learning Maryland


Arts Schools Network

Arts Youth Empowerment

Association of Art Museum Directors

Association of Arts Administration Educators

Association of Performing Arts Professionals



Battelle for Kids

Big Thought

Brubeck Institute



California Alliance for Arts Education

California Institute of the Arts

California State University Summer Arts

Carnegie Hall Weill Music Institute

Carnegie Mellon University Master of Arts Management Program

Cathedral Arts Project

The Center for Arts Education 

Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education

Chorus America

Cleveland Arts Education Consortium

CMA Foundation

The College Board

Crayola LLC

Create CA

Creative Oklahoma




DC Collaborative

Delaware Division of the Arts

District of Columbia Public Schools

Dramatic Results



Education Commission of the States

The Education Policy and Leadership Center

Educational Theatre Association

Education Through Music


Engaging Creative Minds

Exploring the Arts





Florida Alliance for Arts Education

The Ford Foundation

Foundations, Inc.

Fractured Atlas



Graduate Program in Educational Theatre at The City College of New York, CUNY

Grantmakers in the Arts

Great Minds

Guitars in the Classroom 



The Heinz Endowments




Innovation Collaborative

The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM

Institute of Museum and Library Services

International Child Art Foundation

International Council of Fine Arts Deans



John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts



League of American Orchestras

Legit Productions

Lesley University’s Creative Arts in Learning Programs

Lighthouse Academies

Lincoln Center Education

Little Kids Rock

Local Learning: The National Network for Folk Arts in Education

Los Angeles County Arts Ed Collective



Malaschock Dance

Michigan Assessment Consortium (MAEIA Project)


The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation

The Music Center

Music and the Brain

Music for All



National Alliance of Public Charter Schools

National Art Education Association

National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

National Assessment Governing BoardNational Association for Media Arts Education

The National Association for Music Education

The National Association of Music Merchants 

National Association of Elementary School Principals 

National Association of Secondary School Principals

National Association of State Boards of Education

National Dance Education Organization

National Dance Institute of New Mexico

National Dance Society

National Education Association

National Endowment for the Arts

National Gallery of Art

National Guild for Community Arts Education

National Partnership for Juvenile Services

National PTA







AEP Affiliates

Title: 2280 Pasos Bajo un Cielo Nublado | Artist: Hernán Jourdan | Medium: Film

When I was asked to create a work of art exploring literacy, I wanted to create a dance but I had no dancers or a studio, so I chose to use my own body in the space I had, my yard. Fluent Nature is video of micro-choreography that explores what cannot be expressed with words, how nature has its own language, and how placing the human body in nature changes the story.

Title: What Is Me and What Is Not Me | Artist: Alex Chadwell | Medium: Music

My thinking on arts and literacy centers around the concept of literacies and artmaking as both sense-making and meaning-making processes that organically and inevitably overlap, intersect, and reciprocate. Compositionally, What is me and what is not me is a sound collage of sorts (there is no notation for the piece, and I'd be hard pressed to recreate it accurately) that abstractly and aurally represents the relationships between literacies and artmaking.

Title: A Curious Honeybee | Artist: Gideon Young | Medium: Film

Offering welcome through traditional and digital elements of literacy, A Curious Honeybee provides an experiential learning environment by activating visual, musical, natural, and emotional literacies.

Title: Tercera Llamada | Artist: Karilú Forshee | Medium: Audio

La Carpa Theatre is a project that I am currently directing in the Detroit Latinx community. The project aims to strengthen and uplift youth voices through devised theatre, in the style of the Mexican Carpas. This audio was created in the theatrical environment envisioned for our project. The ways in which literacies are re-defined are at the heart of La Carpa Theatre's mission.

Title: Literaseas | Artist: MJ Robinson | Medium: Graphite and ink on paper with digital edits

Title: A Riddle | Artist: MJ Robinson | Medium: Graphite on paper with digital edits

Title: False Binaries | Artist: MJ Robinson | Medium: Graphite on paper with digital edits