Partner With AEP
AEP partners work in arts education at the national level or focus on systems change.
Which Category is a Better Fit?
AEP Partner
The Partner category is designed to create a network of organizations working at the national or systems level and who are committed to equitable access to arts education for all learners.
- Must be an organization with demonstrated metrics and outcomes.
- Must demonstrate the capacity to meet the engagement responsibilities.
- Must be an education, arts, research, cultural, government, business or philanthropic organization working to improve equitable access to arts education for all learners.
- Must conduct arts education-related programs or projects at a national level or focus on systems change in arts education.
- At least part of the organization’s work or goals must fit within at least one of the following priority areas:
- Raise Student Achievement and Success
- Support Effective Educators and School Leaders
- Transform the Teaching and Learning Environment
- Build Leadership Capacity and Knowledge
AEP Affiliate
The Affiliate category is flexible and designed to create pathways for mutually beneficial engagement with stakeholders that don’t yet meet the criteria for full partnership.
- May be an organization or individual.
- May be an emerging organization in the early phases of its work.
- Must support AEP’s work to improve equitable access to arts education for all learners.
- May conduct direct-service rather than systems-level work.
- May be affiliated with an AEP partner organization that focuses on at least one of these priority areas:
- Raise Student Achievement and Success
- Support Effective Educators and School Leaders
- Transform the Teaching and Learning Environment
- Build Leadership Capacity and Knowledge
Benefits of Becoming an AEP Partner
- Receive priority consideration for technical assistance, capacity-building and information requests.
- Benefit from increased visibility of the organization through a link on AEP’s website.
- Benefit from connections between arts education and the broader education sector through AEP’s positioning at ECS, (e.g. ECS state relations staff and AEP staff collaborate to raise relevant work of AEP partners when meeting with ECS constituents).
- Receive priority referral as experts for various inquiries, e.g. media inquiries and speaking engagements.
- Connect with other partner organizations during scheduled in-person and web-based meetings.
- Collaborate with AEP staff members and other partners on external conference session proposals and publications in the field, beyond the AEP convening.
- Become eligible to participate in AEP’s Advisory Council, task forces or special project teams and serve as co-chair of working groups.
- Receive free or discounted registration rates for select AEP events.
AEP Partner Organization Criteria
- Must be an education, arts, research, cultural, government, business or philanthropic organization working to improve equitable access to arts education for all learners.
- Must conduct arts education-related programs or projects at a national level or focus on systems change in arts education. AEP defines “systems change” as working to change how institutions behave, public attitudes, cultural norms, policy decisions and/or resource allocation in order to support equitable access to arts education for all learners, especially those that have historically been marginalized.
- At least part of the organization’s work or goals must fit within at least one of the following priority areas:
- Raise Student Achievement and Success
- Support Effective Educators and School Leaders
- Transform the Teaching and Learning Environment
- Build Leadership Capacity and Knowledge
- Must be an organization with demonstrated metrics and outcomes.
- Must demonstrate the capacity to meet the responsibilities of engagement outlined below.
AEP Partner Organization Responsibilities
Communicate AEP initiatives and opportunities to respective constituencies.
Share updates with AEP staff members and other partner organizations on the landscape of arts learning in communities, knowledge of effective practices and results of work.
Include the AEP logo badge on the organization’s website.
Participate in a minimum of three engagement activities on an annual basis. These activities may also engage staff members from ECS teams, such as state relations or policy.
Become an AEP Partner
Those interested in becoming an AEP partner organization should complete the corresponding application form below. AEP reviews applications on a quarterly basis via a review committee comprised of Advisory Council Members. Review meetings occur in early December, March, June and September.
Benefits of Becoming an AEP Affiliate
Receive access to technical assistance and capacity-building support from AEP based on staff availability.
Collaborate with AEP staff members, partners, and other affiliates on conference session proposals and publications.
Connect with other affiliate organizations during scheduled in-person and web-based meetings.
Become eligible to participate in AEP’s Advisory Council, task forces, or special project teams and serve as co-chair of working groups.
- Receive an Affiliate Badge to highlight the connection with AEP on the affiliate organization’s website and promotional materials.
AEP Affiliate Organization Criteria
- Must be a member of an AEP partner organization or conduct arts education-related work at the local, state, regional, or direct-service level.
- Must support AEP’s work to improve equitable access to arts education for all learners.
AEP Affiliate Organization Responsibilities
Utilize resources available on AEP’s website to advance arts-education related work.
Attend AEP Annual Convening, Quarterly Partner Webinars, and other events when available.
Include AEP Badge on the organization’s website. (Optional)
Become an AEP Affiliate
Those interested in being engaged as AEP Affiliates should complete the corresponding application form below. After reviewing applications for partnership, the review committee may also recommend affiliate status when it is a better fit. With the AEP Director’s approval, affiliates will receive an Affiliate badge that can be used in promotional materials.
For any questions on the application or process, please contact AEP.