A national network of more than 200 organizations dedicated to advancing arts education.

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Town Hall for Local Arts Education Supervisors

on Oct. 17 from 2:30-4 p.m. MT/4:30-6 p.m. ET

The nation’s hub for research on the impact of arts education.

A database that provides the most current information on state policy areas related to K-12 arts education.

AEP’s bi-monthly newsletter that shares the latest information from the arts education the field.

Standing in the Gap

Art Tech is making a remarkable difference in Oklahoma’s public schools, bringing the joy and benefits of arts education to students who might otherwise miss out. Launched in 2020, this five-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education is dedicated to…

The Arts Educator Workforce

Addressing the arts educator workforce requires an acknowledgement of the multifaceted challenges that are tethered to it, such as turnover, accessibility and funding. This year, the Arts Education Partnership (AEP) began collecting information on…

What’s New in Arts Education Policy?

We hope the anticipation has subsided as this year’s updates to the ArtScan database have finally been released! ArtScan is a comparison of 13 arts education policy areas across all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education Activity…

The ESSER III Deadline Explained

Only a month into the new year, education decisionmakers are at a critical juncture with the looming 2024 deadline for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III funds…

Cultivating a Sustainable Educator Community

Understanding the issues in the teacher workforce requires an acknowledgment of the interconnected issues involving teacher recruitment, preparation, development and retention. Cultivating a Sustainable Educator Community shares resources, research and data about the teacher workforce. 

Cultivating a Sustainable Educator Community

Creative Pathways

Creative Pathways: Arts Education in Juvenile Justice Systems provides a variety of resources, including program examples and policy information, related to engaging the arts across the juvenile justice spectrum. This page seeks to make information from the field more easily accessible and hopes to help foster new connections in this space.

Creative Pathways: Arts Education in Juvenile Justice Systems

The Arts Count

In May 2018, the Arts Education Partnership published Music Matters. This was the first in a four-part series of special reports that used ArtsEdSearch to illustrate the many benefits of arts education. The Arts Counts series went on to publish Visual Arts MattersTheatre Counts and Dance Counts in the following years.

STEAM Resource Guide

STEAM continues to be a conversation in many education networks. While the arts education field has engaged in these conversations for decades, STEAM is gaining momentum in conversations with the broader education field. To help inform this work, AEP created its STEAM Resource Guide.

Contact Us

AEP disseminates high-quality, unbiased information to arts and education leaders, and leaders share their expertise in arts education with AEP. Contact us to learn more.

Title: 2280 Pasos Bajo un Cielo Nublado | Artist: Hernán Jourdan | Medium: Film

When I was asked to create a work of art exploring literacy, I wanted to create a dance but I had no dancers or a studio, so I chose to use my own body in the space I had, my yard. Fluent Nature is video of micro-choreography that explores what cannot be expressed with words, how nature has its own language, and how placing the human body in nature changes the story.

Title: What Is Me and What Is Not Me | Artist: Alex Chadwell | Medium: Music

My thinking on arts and literacy centers around the concept of literacies and artmaking as both sense-making and meaning-making processes that organically and inevitably overlap, intersect, and reciprocate. Compositionally, What is me and what is not me is a sound collage of sorts (there is no notation for the piece, and I'd be hard pressed to recreate it accurately) that abstractly and aurally represents the relationships between literacies and artmaking.

Title: A Curious Honeybee | Artist: Gideon Young | Medium: Film

Offering welcome through traditional and digital elements of literacy, A Curious Honeybee provides an experiential learning environment by activating visual, musical, natural, and emotional literacies.

Title: Tercera Llamada | Artist: Karilú Forshee | Medium: Audio

La Carpa Theatre is a project that I am currently directing in the Detroit Latinx community. The project aims to strengthen and uplift youth voices through devised theatre, in the style of the Mexican Carpas. This audio was created in the theatrical environment envisioned for our project. The ways in which literacies are re-defined are at the heart of La Carpa Theatre's mission.

Title: Literaseas | Artist: MJ Robinson | Medium: Graphite and ink on paper with digital edits

Title: A Riddle | Artist: MJ Robinson | Medium: Graphite on paper with digital edits

Title: False Binaries | Artist: MJ Robinson | Medium: Graphite on paper with digital edits